election is around the corner. alas, i can't be bothered. I am more into Clinton-Obama race for democratic presidential candidate instead ; and
that is interesting. ours is so dull. everything is a one-sided story. I'm particularly freaking sick of reading Utusan. i hate The Stars for its over liberalism and almost everything is about Chinese community. please, malaysians. come up with something more.. fair.
when i look back at Umno Policy, i do see its importance in maintaining 'equality' in our country. Malays are still very much
stupid intellectually below par in average plus we are regretfully very lazy. if we are to fulfill DAP manifesto ' Malaysia for Malaysian' like now, that would be like the alternative of spelling the word D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R.
admit it. chinese and Indians in general are more competent than the Malays at this moment. Malays are catching up, very true, but we are just not there yet. and that is why i think it is still very vital to preserve the bumiputra privilege. whether you like it or not. this privilege wont be a permanent thing. but the time is definitely not now to let it go.
PAS is not as bad as what the media tries sweating and panting hard to portray. Realistically it is impossible to implement the Laws by what PAS is fighting for, because this Muslim country does not have the 90% majority Muslim population unlike some other countries -though they are too stupid to make things better for themselves. duh. anyway, i do believe it can be compromised if PAS build up an allies with other moderate parties. In this way, everyone (at least majority) of people will have their voices heard and things won't exceed to what i'd like to call extremism. it is vitally dangerous for a single party to rule this 'tense but stable' nation single-handedly.
A lot of people has been mumbling about ( without really knowing what it means mostly) about freedom of speech and true democracy. i am in that wagon too - partially at least. however, i must admit too that this nation is not mature enough to accept true democracy. my answer would be 'non' to stuff like ISA of course, but i don't think we are ready for a complete open war of words without resorting to violences. therefore, I must say it is still arguably acceptable to be a stuck-up country like we are now. My only issue against Pak Lah's monkeys now is that they are too stuck-up, too corrupted, too autocratic and our political scene is way too unhealthy in sense of it is over dominated by BN without giving a fair proportion of chances for the opposition party to affirm their stances. You need to be opposed considerably to avoid abuse of trust in governing the country. If you are freely unopposed, then might as well we just go back to the monarchy system, where your nation's stability depends solely by luck. You'll be lucky if the successor is a good and intelligent son, but Unlucky and be prepared to go downhill if the heir was a bad and a stupid breed.
One of the few drawbacks in Islamic Empire those days are the monarchy system. I have never agreed with that. i know many Muslims like to have this 'all divine' kind of thinking about islamic history, but it is not. How many scholars had been imprisoned just because they didn't see eye to eye with the then governing khalifah? and do you even dare to say that they are all holy? holy shit is what they deserved. Not all but some.they were great ones too of course and they did earn my respects, but my point is, not all of them were. true democracy was there during Sahabah's era. The syura system. Sadly, it only lasted up to Ali's time. Even then, among the sahabat , there was already a chaotic atmosphere. That was the father of all chaos that muslims have to endure these days.. i wish it hadn't been that way. but setiap sesuatu tu ade hikmahnye kn inshaallah. i hope so.
now where were we? oh yeah, the reason I'm writing this because quite a number of people have been asking me, what is my stance? which party I'm voting for? . I'd say it is quite complicated. The long crap above is my heart being all-out honest with you regarding my view politically. so don't complain! hehe. kidding. feel free to go against me. =)
p/s - i hope Obama would win; both against Clinton and subsequently against bush's puppet, Mc Cain . bofff..!