just now, went to kota sas to claim my deposit cheque. took the opportunity to visit our house. c'est finir. dah siap:) . jalan je tak tar lagi. went inside.feel a bit small compared to masa survey rumah contoh kosong dulu. but whatever it is. sunlight exposure is good.x gelap la walaupun rumah intermediate . backyard pun agak spacious. boleh la buat small garden nnt hihi.
x sabar plak nk masuk n decorate rumah. harap ada duit di masa akan datang.
Ya Allah. murahkan lah rezeki kami. amin.
rumah contoh.bkn rumah koi.gambar pinjam from internet. |
salam kita jiran la nti.rumah sy yg dlm gambar tu.yg kedua sebelah corner lot :)
Ambil rumah contoh kosong tu ke? Sy dah ziarah rumah la klu cmtu hehe. Slmt berjiran:)
ye yg tu la... erm agak2 bila dpt kunci ek? nak siap bajet msk rmh ni.huhuu
according to kotasas' staff, should be around feb or march. x lame dah tu . tu la rase cam nk buat sme bende, gate ,grill, kitchen ,wall ,floor , haishhh,,, ongkos is a problem though huhu.
ni lot suria ke?
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