Wednesday, April 12, 2006

from 'president' to 'student'?

Irish college 'to welcome' Sheen

Sheen says he wants to finish his education after retiring
An Irish university has said it was "looking forward to welcoming" Hollywood actor Martin Sheen as a student next autumn.

The West Wing star plans to study English literature, philosophy and theology with special interest in oceanography in Galway.

A spokeswoman for the National University of Ireland said: "We are developing that interest with him."

Sheen has said he wanted to finish his education after he retires from acting.

The university is home to the Huston School of film and digital media here, of which Angelica Huston is a patron.

Sheen, who is 65, said he had been awarded several degrees, but had received no "proper education" since starting acting.

He has played President Josiah Bartlet in The West Wing since 1999.

His big screen roles have included Apocalypse Now and Gandhi.

wwaaahh dak dak galway jumpe superstar ah pas ni.. chishh x acii :(

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