Tuesday, August 21, 2007

viannese turns swede

Austrian former kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch says her feelings of pity for her late captor have deepened in the year since she escaped from him.

"I feel more and more sorry for him," Ms Kampusch, 19, said in an interview with Austria's ORF television.

Looking calm, she described Mr Priklopil as a "poor soul - lost and misguided".

extracted from BBC

She caught up that Stockholm Syndrome thing! no idea why the syndrome is called stockholm. most probably, the psychiatrist that observed n studied the ex-hostages' behavioural pattern originates from that city perhaps. but doesn't matter. to have come across such cases is kind of cool. i think Yvonne Ridley must have had that too after the Taleban freed her. not that im complaining.
y?she's a successful and a very guided muslim now. thanks to the 'gliding' imam she described who had given her the holy book.


but well, i dont believe in extremism either. i think the taleban and radical movement in pakistan and certain sekolah pondok kt negare saye ini ( kisas masuk x? hehe :P:P ) is absurd. you do things by force you push people away. you made the women covered every inch of her flesh and then still denying a normal conversation with her is crazy. why do you think we covered our body in the first place? one of the reasons would be to enable a communication as a person rather than as a whatever words that antagonise the meaning of dignity. i remember a visit to a sekolah pondok tahfiz for boys while in highschool. i was from a religious school too, and hence my attire and other girlfriends' were very modest as well. and u know what happened? we weren't allowed to climb out of the bus until they assembled all their students into the school's musalla. y, because we are what they called the 'disturbances to the mind' that will affect their memorising capacity. true, you need a pure and undisturbed minds to memorise every single words of God, but how can you still think that we are 'disturbances' when we have played our parts? and aren't they supposed to be invincible / invulnerable to minor obstacles like this if we 'are indeed' a disturbance ? they were not allowed to read papers and to watch television coz they were a lot of 'naked' women in there. just how unrealistic is that?in stead of repelling and inhibiting things because the bads come in a combo with many good, why dont train their beloved students how to 'ambil yang jernih buang y keruh'? internet is of course out of question la kan.

and oh, instead of giving ALL of us a tour of the school, they decided to take only half of us whom genetic variant is of XY. y XX ni dibawak pegi rumah guru guru, where the wives and education-denied daughters were waiting submissively to receive us. i found it very cruel and unjust not to send daughters to school. .. but that was what happened. and some of the wives are a degree holders.but they, rather stupidly, married these people and be shut into the ragged looking kitchens and very un-homey house condition. entahlah, but i believe that is not how Allah wants you to live your life like. the way im leading my life is quite unfavourable by God too perhaps, but i pray i'd be redirected and guided along the way inshaallah.

heh emo lak. tp serious la x setuju ngn org2 y mentality camni.

suicide bombers pn agak 'bijak' gk. ntah ayat hadis plsu mane die pki y support their stand that it is halal to kill the innocents and vandalise aka mmbuat 'kerosakan di bumi' in order to achieve the greater good of defying 'God's' enemy. off all you know, you are the one. nauzubillah.. one thing about extremism is they think they have the authority to act the way they do on other people when in fact, they don't. they think they have licence to kill,they have licence to kidnap, they have licence to neglect human rights and etc.. all claimed in the name of God. For God's sake, can they stop playing God?

im just saying.. what they are trying to imply will cause more tension rather than peace - the widely talk about bia'h solehah.

alors d'accord. dah. malalutnye bile bace balik. haha. byk lg nk elaborate n komen. tp x larat n malas da nk tulis. daah. :P

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