Saturday, September 22, 2007

sorry, it doesn't work on you

oh god.. signs of increase irritability is there
i was browsing several friendster pages and i was feeling very nauseous looking at some of the pictures and their captions. especially those girls and guys who self-captured their photos and then put on captions like ' oh look at my eyes, so baggy from oversleeping' when their actual silent caption was ' see how brilliant that contact lenses enhance my feature. i look fabulous!'
or something like 'i wanna go home:(' with the gloss painted lips-muncung gesture. that's probably just rm9.90 lipice anyway.hahah. Gosh u inapropriately narcisistic people please give me a break! want desperately to be stylish go ahead but please cut off the goody-two-shoe part. u think it's cute just say it or leave it captionless! well , i think it's quite ok to put 3 4 self-cap pics if u wanna, but if it's like up to 40-70.. i don't know bout you, but i feel like throwing up projectile vomitus seriously.

i am really mean am i not? im quite surprised myself. i guess i am just highly irritable at the moment. and these struggling to look good gits really annoyed me to the max right now. haha.


Anonymous said...

'i wanna go home:('

cherie said...

j suis la chez mwa. vien;))