Monday, August 17, 2009

what a pair of twats

a marriage that's built over other's broken marriage.
blissful? hah, dream on gits.
obviously this very fast onset occasion reaffirmed his ex-wife's claim.
i cant believe someone supposedly this religious and well clad could afford to be a plain slut as she proved to be. and the so-called self proclaimed tabligh abandoning his wife for months and you expect she didnt retaliate??? n u dare to say she menderhaka to you while you had your own sweet time having an affair w someone way down below par compared to your exwife (in that matter) without really letting her go or gave a clear cut resolution? what a bastard you are.

i doubt this two would be happy at all. From the beginning it's already faulty. they may try though.

p/s am i the only one who feels nauseated to the max looking at that slut's gleeful face? hah

p/p.s cant wait to have hubby back and adventuring ramadhan together. come back quick hunnie bunnie;-)


~Serenity~ said...

u're not the only one who feels that way when looking at the slut.i feel the same way.geli n meluat oso..haha.wife blom abis tempoh iddah ex-hsband dah cpt2 nak berbinikan this 'virgin'.sgtla obvious.may they live happily ever after.ugh.

cherie said...

haha. agreed aja! x puas hati ke bg pihak maizawati. hahaha. anak bukan satu due, tp 5 6. huhu. ntah lah pe y mamat ni pikir.. jerk to its max.

zaihana said...

lagi dasyat ex hsband yang berstatus ustaz itu telah memesan kepada istrinya bahwa dalam iddah tak bleh berhias2..motif?

cherie said...

seriously????? x malu nye.dah jd cmni pn ade muke lg nk komen2. what a jerk! he should just keep his big mouth shut n bare that annoying glee of his homewrecker wife's for the rest of his life n pleaseeee b off screen. thank you ustaz. ouch :P

zaihana said...

tu laaa pasal..of course ex wife dia pon tau tentang itu..