Saturday, January 22, 2011

My personal experience

Breastfeeding benefit from my personal experience :

  1. a  huge contributing factor for a healthy and chubby baby I am granted with currently.
  2. even though my baby was born with a low birth weight, his weight pick up exponentially after birth, surpassing many of his baby collesague, even those who have already aged 8 - 9 months.
  3. mommy lose weight incredibly too! no jamu, not much exercise but may be hectic oncalls are to blame too. i weigh lighter than my pre-pregancy days :D
  4. the physiological changes I endured during pregnancy have gradually dissapearing.e.g. hyperpigmentation is getting much lighter just as before :) it has gone back to normal now. luckilly no stretch marks.
  5. satisfied feeling seeing bottles of breastmilk filling in the top compartment of the freezer :)
  6. money saving! no need to buy those expensive powdered formula milk.
  7. effective contraception. baby is 5 months old and Im still menstruation free. expected to last up to 6 months. we'll see ;-) 
I hope I could continue to breastfeed Harris for 2 years. Btw, Harris got his 5 month old  jab yesterday and he did not even cringe let alone cry when poked! kuat anak mama nyh ;p

Harris milkstock. Used to be more.. but because of frequent busy calls, it has depleted :(
weekend is here but no, i haven't weaned him :p


MamaBalqisJournal said...

all the best in your BF journey! :) My 2nd doter cuming to 5 mths Friday..tinking of starting her on solids too..coz she always looking hungrily at food! hahah

cherie said...

thank you mama balqis, the ur daughter is about my son's age. i have weaned him actually:P sadly he doesnt like potato that much, but he is surely into rice!