Friday, June 16, 2006

narrow minded-ians + pengampu x yah bace

hmm mule2 rase nk diam je, tp akhir2 ni rase cm makin sakit ati lak ngan isu ni. so i decided to blog it out.

for God sake, back off!!! !your time 'reigning' this nation is over. why do you still have to meddle (busy body melampau2 lagi?? ) in this business? i guess he is too used to autocracitism that he cant help butting in when people dont choose to do it his way.erghh soo obnoxious!!
i mean what's the point of stepping down, if you still 'indirectly' want to rule the country. who do you think your successor is? a puppet??? (perhaps he used to be la, all the cabinet members were..).
you may advise but you cant harshly condemn when your advice is put aside. it is notYOU who decide what and what not to do.kite ade dewan rakyat ade parlimen ade raje sbagai tukang cop and ade cabinet sebagai pelaksana nye. why must everyone involved in making the decision mute their thoughts and succumb to your wish??what makes you think they should?
remember when it was your 'time'? --->"condemn me and you'll go down"<--as for now, show some respect to YOUR leader even if he was once below you (not anymore). your unfinished mega projects / plans are just too much for this POOR country to handle. perlu ke konsep biar berhutang asal bergaye? look at most european countries. they own modest infrastructure but it's their super-systematic system plus high civic awareness that contribute to the 'developed country' title. it's not the bangunan y melampai2 , mercu itu mercu ini. the self has to develop first before the self's home can. at least now things are more transparent. surat kabar pun da berani tunjuk taring kt menteri heheh. bagus bagus. tp sifat provocative surat kabar ni mmg still x leh hilang la. kotoran degil tul. brenwash brenwash... cubela tulis artikel/berite2 y mane at the end of the story leh buat org fikir nk pilih A atau let the readers be the judges. ini tidak, klu die rase mende A tu betul, dr ayat first smp huruf akhir sokong mende A hentam mende B. back to this 'hamba' Allah nye story, despite my luahan hati,i really really like him when dealing with international affairs.. - blunt but brutally right -. - tak bernama

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