Wednesday, October 04, 2006

y we shouldnt let idiots drive

dear WAU ##,
    don't you know the rule of parking??
    that is not to KISS another car LITERALLY!!

that's exactly the message i  left behind that stupid car's wiper this morning (question marks, underline, capitals included).
and i feel soo stupid myself of not snapping a picture of the kissing scene. erghhh! judging from all the dolls on the dashboard, i take it the owner is a woman (must be a really stupid one). she must be an albino. coz albino has blond hair. and blonde is really damn stupid! 
asian->albino= blonde = stupid . Algebra solved!


zaihana said...

sabor..muna sabor..=) bulan pose mmg bnayak dugaan

Anonymous said...

calar la kete die

Juragan said...

sabau.... x gune marah. meh sini nak ajau satu teknik bagus.

isik je pasir dalam penutup angin tayar kete die. isik ke empat2 tayar. silent but deadly..... muahahhahahaha

cherie said...

miey,ni baru sejuk sket .

ade la calar sket, tp x tau la calar tu sedia ade ke die buat, hehe.

sesape volunteer nak tolong letakkan pasir dlm kete wau46 tuh sile contact ye:P;P

Anonymous said...

silap. "calarkan la kete die"

cherie said...

sy ni penakut tapinye.. hehe
kang die blackmail sy kang susah lak, abis pnuh kesan gores syiling black beauty sekor tu nnt huhuh

Anonymous said...

ah,tak paham.tolong sesape perjelaskan hal ini.keta ko kene langgau ke muna?

cherie said...

org tu parking keta die head-to-head ngan keta aku. mmg ade 'contact' la. sib baik ade plate kete bertampal kat depan kete aku tuh, so kurang la sikit impact. org tu sepatutnye takleh parking da situ sebab space kecik sangat, tapi.. well idiots r idiots.. u cant change them. x senonoh tul, n x penah lagi setakat ni aku tgk org parking sampai kene kete org lain, biar je camtu tanpa rasa apa apa. agaknye mabuk kot malam b4 tu.
btw, aku g sekolah kul 8pg so berpandukan embun pade kete minah tu, aku rase die da parking dr malam sebelum tu lagik. huhuh, patut wat entry komen nih.panjang sgt hehe