Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Nuclear + War

erm, so today i completed my sub-rotation at the nuclear medicine department ; the coolest department in the whole hospital .. in fact, in the whole Malaysia! (n when i say the coolest, i meant both literally n metaphorically . y, it was freezing cold in there, esp in the meeting room. i felt like i was in Dublin during autumn being in there) . Penang Hospital is the pioneer base for Nuclear Meds in this country.i had the chance to stare n admire the first ever PET scan(positron emission tomography) used, which only started operating fully for the public use by August last year. Nuclear med differs from the other radiological/imaging methods in term of its mechanism n function. basically they inject the person with the radioactive isotopes (which usually probes a certain chemical) , the machine will then detect them and scan it for the doctors to interpret.where as, the non-nuclear imaging, the machines are the ones that transmit the radioactive agents, n try to get through ur body and get printed on the opposite site. while normal CT scan n its colleague mainly used to determine a disease's anatomical position, Nuclear Med imaging focuses more on its functional activity. n i just learnt from the technologist just now malaysia, actually do have a cyclotron centre , bunking underground at the Putrajaya Hospital (was it.. but it was in putrajaya btw). cool!! cyclotron is - i think- some sort of particle accelerator. i know quite vaguely on how it works; -again, i think- the atomic particle basically can emit a really big energy in return. it has something to do with mater-anti mater properties ; n the energy its produce is sooo huge to the extent where, if a very tiny amount mater n the anti mater touches each other ,a real big explosion would occur. For God sake, u physic people know better la. most of my knowledge on this came from Dan Brown's angel n demon anyway ( i have a real passion to go to CERN in Geneva since then hehe)

and oh, we'll be having a paint ball war this weekend.yeehaa :D behold!!my fellow radiology clan, let's crash the the ears noses n throats of the ENT militants, let's crack the eyes of the ophthalmology guerrillas, n let's torture the anesthesiology terrorists so that they endure an unbearable pain n keep em away even from the mildest form of analgesic . hua hua hua.;))
i just hope my skin wouldn't bruise afterwards.. i just heard some horror stuff about the paintball shootings :(

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