Monday, March 31, 2008

wrong turn, my girl

sufiah yusof is now a hooker.
It was revealed and brought to surfaced by an undercover journalist from NOTW.
yes, that very Sufiah who entered Oxford at 12 years old.
what a waste.


~Serenity~ said...

OMG..shilpa lee??x sangkanya ..a genius turns into a bimbo..huhu

cherie said...

i thought she used to be very religious last time. well very depressed too which was quite obvious then.
this is what happened when a child's natural developmental milestone is intervened and disturbed by abusive and selfish parenting.

sufiah, u could have done better than this. i cant believe im telling you this but ' use your brain, woman!'

zaihana said...

a ah..kalau baca kisahnya dulu solat 5 waktu tak tinggal. kadang2 education system panjang tempohnya adalah untuk mematangkan pemikiran. anak pon jadi bahan eksperimen, inilah jadinya.
err..makin jatuh hati dengan nubhann..hehehe...

cherie said...

true. bagus sebenarnye belajar panjang2 ni kan ( wink )

mie kome jugak makin meminati suaranya hehehe. go nubhan! poyo jeks hahaha