Monday, October 13, 2008

les Pains et les Fromages

I have been a fan of French Baguette since many years ago. It was quite a frequently bought item during my tesco-shopping  years. Back in Dublin, a couple  of French baguettes are  must-buy compliment whenever i purchased the Dunne Store's Food-to-Go salad or pasta. For the present, bagutte is almost a daily routine in our menu, alongside with Malaysian dishes  and pasta.
The made-in-France baguette proved to be extradelicious compared to the rest. 'So good you can even eat it on its own'. Ah of course, the French eat baguette virtually in every meal of theirs. Either as sandwiches or some sort of desserts/ appetisers. As for me, I find that baguette tastes best  when eaten with camembert cheese.ohhh.. once you start eating that, you'd find it very hard to stop.and that's exactly the case for me. Not to mention that we usually eat this after a heavy meal. I will not be surprise if I put on weight after these two months in France. but so far, my weight remains at a plateau - since as long as I can remember :p  Now that I know how tasty camembert cheese is, I desperately wish i would find it in Malaysian hypermarkets' refrigerated department. I surely pray so.
I have finally gotten over my long-standing craving for kebab, as i have ingested tons of them in this past one month and half. hohoho. Really, Malaysian 'kebab' is  an absolute insult and disgrace to the real kebab;  both in taste and presentation. Can't the arabs migrate to malaysia for a change? and bring along your shishs, falafel and the rest of your over-the-roof calories and salt content  meals. hehe.
oh I also discovered that pasta is better served with emental cheese rather than the usual parmesan, ceddar or mozarella. Cheri can even eat speggeti sprinkled with that cheese alone without any sauces and it still tastes great.
Raclette. One of the dishes that i had  in mind before boarding for France was raclette. Cheri and I are planning  to buy the raclette grill this afternoon. cant wait!! I will tell more about this unique French food once we bought the grill. hopefully.
talking about food makes me super hungry. i should start preparing lunch now. Alors, a plus!!

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